HCOE Academic Enrichment Program
English Composition and Oral Communication
The University of Texas-Pan American
3 June - 8 July 2002
Instructor: Tim Kikos
Office: COAS 245
Office Phone: (956) 381-2374
English Dept: 381-2353
Home: 581-7860
E-mail: kikos@panam.edu
Web Site: kikos.homestead.com
Office Hours: 12:45 - 1:45 Or by Appointment
Class Room: COAS 179
Time: 9:30 - 10:45
Materials: white, ruled paper and pen (blue or black ink).
Text: No text book required, but students are expected to obtain copies of internet source materials linked to the next page of this syllabus.
Course Description:
English Composition and Oral Communication emphasizes significant elements of academic writing and speech while enhancing vocabulary development. Presentations based on scientific readings, as well as interview strategies, may be featured. Students will practice the communication process with special attention given to strategies that improve style, language use, organization, and presentation of ideas. At the end of the course, students will be expected to write well-developed and effectively organized essays with a minimum number of language use errors.
Class Policies:
Attendance is mandatory.
Assignments must be submitted on the dates
they are due.
Students should be prepared to participate in
class discussions that pertain to assigned
Essay Format:
Double space on one side of the paper.
Use ink on final draft.
Rough drafts may be required with each