Gutenberg has electronically stored texts that can be viewed online or downloaded. Why pay for those classics when Gutenberg has them free?
Massachusetts Institute of Tecnology (MIT) has a broad range of literature including Architecture & Planning Technology, Humanities, Engeneering, Management & Social Sciences, Neuroseiences & Biomedical Imaging, and Earth & Planetary Sciences . . .
University of Virgina Electronic Text Center. A collection of publications and images that will astound you.
Spanish, Latino, Hispanic, French, German and other languages are featured in this MIT site. Read in a language you're more comfortable with, or brush-up on your language skills. Need a text for that literature class? Maybe just read a magazine? It's all here, and it's free!
The Internet Classics Archive. Somewhere between 375 and 441 works. Mostly Greek and Roman but includes some Chinese and Persian classics as well.
Link 6 6,218 Works . . . 679 Poets as of January 2001
Poets' Corner. The goal is to create the largest, most diverse, and most user-friendly public library of poetic works ever assembled.
Link 7 Search 13,000+ Listings
The On-Line Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such on-line books, for the benefit and edification of all.