Composition, Reading, and Verbal Reasoning
Summer Enrichment Session
(11 July - 23 Aug. 2001)
Instructor:Tim Kikos
Office: COAS 245
Phone: My Office 381-2374, English Dept. 381-3421
Office Hours:By Appointment
Class Room:Health Sciences West
Time:8:00 - 9:15
Textbook: Kirzner, Laurie G., and Stephen R. Mandell.
The Brief Holt Handbook. Second ed.
Ft. Worth: Harcourt Brace, 1998.
Materials: white, ruled paper and pen (blue or black ink)
Recommended: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Speller
Course Description:
Composition, Reading, and Verbal Reasoning covers the most significant elements of academic writing and analytical reading while cultivating vocabulary development and critical thinking. Students will learn and practice the communication process with special attention given to strategies that improve style, language use, organization, and presentation of ideas. Time management for essay writing and test taking is stressed.
Class Policies:
1Attendance is mandatory.
2Assignments must be submitted on the dates they are due.
3Students should be prepared to participate in class discussions that pertain to assigned readings.
Essay Format:
1Double space on one side of the paper.
3Rough drafts may be required with each essay.